From main-stage discussions with thought leaders to deep-dive conversations with CELI fellows and alumni, emPOWER22 participants were able to connect and collaborate with players across the clean energy sector.
emPOWER22 Brochure
Saturday, June 25th (Central Time)
8:30am: Morning Coffee (Please note that the main entrance to the building is on W Wayman Street.)
9:00am: Welcome to emPOWER22: Opening Remarks
9:15am: “Global Perspective on Adaptive Leadership” by Nqobizitha Ndlovu of Adaptive Change Advisors
9:45am: “New Generation of Leadership” - A Spotlight on EDICT by Patrick Owusu of SolarOne, Kristin Landry of Cal State East Bay, and Denise Devlyn of University of Washington
11:00am: “At the Intersection of Energy Justice and Clean Energy” - Ecosystem Spotlight by Apoorv Bhargava of WeaveGrid, Mayane Barudin of Sovereign Energy, Patrice Suggs of SEEL, and Troy Hodges of Kevala
12:00pm: Lunch & Sponsor Booth Hour
1:00pm: Leadership in Action
1:30pm: CELI Fellows & Alumni Breakout Groups
3:15pm: Break & Snacks
3:45pm: Closing Remarks
4:30pm: Mingling
5:15pm: Conclusion of emPOWER22 & Optional Social Program